Monday, August 30, 2010

"Untitled" by Rosemarie Buenrostro
This picture is another from Flickr by the photographer Rosemarie Buenrostro. It's a beautiful photo that unfortunately has no title. In addition, it's not a professional picture that requires crews of people doing lighting and hair and makeup. Rather, it's a natural spontaneous picture that was taken of her friend while they were together.

I think this picture shows many emotions such as the definite feeling of freedom and being carefree stated before in the previous photo. I think it also symbolizes that we should appreciate everything because nothing lasts forever, such as the sun going down or the confetti falling to the ground. Sooner or later everything will come to an end. This picture gives me the warm feeling of being appreciative of everything around me as well as being positive. I love the way the sun hits the tree at the right spot and makes the picture even better. This shows that even the smallest things can have such a huge difference overall. The colors are another thing that makes the picture so pretty. The warm tones and the balance of oranges and the light blue sky gives the picture a warm, summery atmosphere.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"Lauren and Dean" by Lauren Farmer

For my first post, I decided to use this picture taken by Lauren Farmer on Flickr titled "Lauren and Dean". This is a photo of two people, a girl and a boy sitting on the rooftop of a building at night, staring at the view of the city all around them. This piece of photography can be expressed and described in different ways and with many feelings. From this picture, these words are the first to come to mind: “Freedom”, “Adventure”, “Carefree”, and “Adolescence”. The overall mood this picture gives off is an urban, carefree and “top of the world” feeling, a place where you can truly believe your problems are gone. The two in this picture must have the feeling of adventure and somewhat of risk because of their body language. From the way they are dangling their feet over the edge seems like they are enjoying themselves and they are having fun, carefree time while they are up there. The picture also gives off the feeling of adventure, because the two people in the picture are doing something that seems brash, daring, venturesome and something that many people don't have the time or liking to do. From this picture I can instantly imagine the sounds of the city, the cool summer air, and the glowing city lights in the distance. What’s interesting about this photo is that it feels really composed, serene and peaceful despite the busy, bustling city location that surrounds them.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I think that art would be a great topic to talk about. There are so many different types of art and they can all be interpreted in so many ways. From photography to paintings and even sculptures, art is endless. What I love about art is that it has the ability to affect people's emotions and also allows everyone to really express themselves in a way no words can. There is no type of "bad" art, since art in many different forms can be thought of differently. It all depends on that certain person. It's amazing how one little thing can be interpreted as "art", such as a toilet bowl or maybe a field of grass. Anything is art, because our whole world is basically art in itself. People just have to open their minds to what art can be and they'll have a bigger outlook on everything. I also love how when you're focused on a certain art piece, you shut out the rest of the world and just focus on it. This happens whenever I draw/paint as well, and I feel like I'm in a whole different world where all my worries and stress are just taken away.